Book Report Info

Click here for a video of Rick Yancey at his Orange County Library appearance.

Place of Birth: Miami, FL

Grew up in: Lakeland, FL

Education: Attended Lakeland High School in Lakeland, FL. Began college at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, transferring the following year to Florida State University in Tallahassee to “get away from home.” Later I moved to Chicago to pursue theater and transferred to Roosevelt University. I graduated with a degree in English.

Childhood influences: The first book I remember reading for fun was The Sword of Shanara by Terry Brooks. It began my love affair with science fiction and fantasy literature. In high school and college I read mostly science fiction with some mystery thrown in (I love Sherlock Holmes). My parents always encouraged me to read. My dad was a lawyer who came from a very poor family. He taught me the value of believing in my dreams and working hard, because just dreaming is not enough. I started writing when I was in the fifth grade. The first story I had published was in my high school literary magazine, about a Native American whose child dies in infancy. Downer! It wasn’t until I was married and the father of three that I had my first book published.

Work experience: After I graduated from college, I worked at a lot of different jobs. I was a typesetter, a convenience store manager, a production line worker, a newspaper critic, and a tax collector for the Internal Revenue Service. It was while I was working for the IRS that I met my wife, started my family, and began writing seriously.

Family: I have a terrific wife who is also the very best friend I’ve ever had, and three sons of whom I’m very proud.
Pets: two dogs, a Lhasa named Maddie (she’s very independent and very old) and Casey, a black lab and the nicest dog in the world.

Favorite book I wrote: I always say the last one. So . . . the last one.

Favorite character in my books: That’s like asking which kid I like the best. I like them all in different ways.

In my spare time: I like to read, hang with my family, do puzzles, and travel. I think I love traveling the best.

Need more information? Send an e-mail to and I will answer as quickly as my schedule allows.